Gotra List of Agarwal Samaj and Kuldevi Mahalaxmi Mata :
अग्रवाल समाज (Agarwal Samaj) के संगठनों की स्मारिकाओं व सामाजिक पत्र-पत्रिकाओं के अनुसार इस समाज की कुलदेवी “महालक्ष्मी” हैं। जात, जड़ूला आदि कार्य शक्तिपीठों पर सम्पन्न किये जाते हैं। कुछ गोत्रों में वंशानुगत शक्तिदादी (Shakti Dadi) को पूजने की मान्यता है।
ऐसी मान्यता है कि प्राचीन समय में प्रताप नगर का राजा धनपाल बड़ा प्रतापी शासक हुआ । उसके वंशज राजा अग्रसेन दिल्ली के स्वामी बने । इन्होंने आगरा और अग्रौहा शहर अपने नाम से बसाये । उस समय पंगन के शासक राजा कुमद की अत्यन्त सुन्दर नागकन्या माधवी से उनका विवाह हुआ जिस पर इन्द्र क्रोधित हो उठे उन्होंने पृथ्वी पर भयंकर अकाल की स्थिति उत्पन्न कर दी लेकिन राजा अग्रसेन ने उनके सभी प्रयास विफल कर दिए ।
कालान्तर में अपना राज्य कार्य अपनी पटरानी माधवी को सौपकर राजा अग्रसेन एकान्तवास वन में रहकर तपस्या करने लगे । कड़ी तपस्या के बाद महादेव उनसे प्रसन्न हुए और वर मांगने को कहा इस पर अग्रसेन ने कहा ‘मुझे वरदान दीजिये कि देवराज इन्द्र मेरे अधीन रहे’ । महादेव ने यही वर देते हुए कहा कि अब तुम महालक्ष्मी की पूजा करो जिससे तुम्हारा भण्डार धन से पूर्ण रहेगा साथ ही इन्द्र भी तुम्हारे अधीन रहेगा ।
Must Watch This Video about Agroha Dham & Maharaj Agrasen :
इस पर अग्रसेन ने महालक्ष्मी का जाप किया देवी ने प्रसन्न होकर उसे कहा कि अब तुम कोल्हापुर नगर जाओ वहाँ महीधर नामक राजा ने नागकन्या का स्वयंवर रचाया है उस कन्या से विवाह कर अपना वंश चलाओ । इस पर उन्होंने सत्रह नाग कन्याओं के साथ विवाह किया । अग्रसेन के बढ़ते प्रभाव से इन्द्र घबरा गया उसने नारद मुनि के साथ मधुशालिनी नाम की अपनी अप्सरा भेजकर राजा से मित्रता कर ली ।
अग्रवाल समाज के गोत्रों की उत्पत्ति :-
अपने जीवन के अंतिम काल में राजा ने अपनी प्रत्येक रानी के साथ एक पृथक आचार्य को लेकर अलग-अलग यज्ञ करना चाहा। इस प्रकार प्रत्येक यज्ञ के आचार्य के नाम पर गोत्रों की स्थापना हुई। राजा अग्रसेन ने यमुना के तट पर विशाल अनुष्ठान किया । तब लक्ष्मी पुनः प्रसन्न हुई और कहा कि हे राजन् ! तेरे कुल की अधिकाधिक वृद्धि होगी और तेरे नाम से कुल प्रसिद्ध रहेगा । मैं तेरे कुल की रक्षा करने वाली कुलदेवी हूँ तुम जाकर यज्ञ करो कहकर देवी अन्तर्ध्यान हो गई । इस प्रकार राजा ने सत्रह यज्ञ पूरे किए लेकिन अठारहवें यज्ञ के मध्य राजा को ग्लानि हुई और अर्ध यज्ञ में ही शांति कर दी । इस प्रकार साढ़े सत्रह यज्ञ हुए । जो अग्रवाल के साढ़े सत्रह गोत्र के नाम से प्रसिद्ध हुए ।
अग्रसेन ने अपने पाटवी बेटे विभु को राजगद्दी सौंपी तथा बाकी को क्षत्रिय धर्म छुड़ाकर वैश्य कार्यों में लगाया, जिससे वे वैश्य (बनिये) कहलाने लगे।
कालान्तर में विभु के वंश में राजा दिवाकर ने वैष्णव धर्म छोड़कर जैन धर्म स्वीकार कर लिया। उसके देखा देखी बहुत से अग्रवाल जैनी हो गये। अग्रवाल महाजनों का मूल स्थान हरियाणा से है जहाँ से वे पूरे भारत में फैल गए।
Gotra List of Agarwal Samaj अग्रवाल समाज के साढ़े सत्रह गौत्र–
1. | गर्ग (Garg or Gargeya) | 2. | गोयल (Goyal, Goel or Goenka) |
3. | भेदल (Bhedal / Bhandal) | 4. | मंगल (Mangal) |
5. | जिंदल (Jindal) | 6. | बिंदल (Bindal or Vindal) |
7. | कंदल (Kandal) | 8. | जिंजल (Jinjal) |
9. | बिंछल (Binchhal) | 10. | मित्तल (Mittal) |
11. | सिंगल (Singal, Singhal) | 12. | एरण (Airan/Aeron) |
13. | नांगल (Nangal) | 14. | बंसल (Bansal) |
15. | कुंच्छल (Kuchhal / Kuchchal) | 16. | धारण (Dharan or Deran) |
17. | कांसल (Kansal) | 17″ | गोइन (Goin, Goyan, Gangal) |
अग्रवालों के दो विभाग –
अग्रवालों की जाति में दो विभाग हैं – १. दस्से अग्रवाल २. बिस्से अग्रवाल। जब राजा अग्रसेन के बेटों के साथ सर्पराज वसु ने अपनी कन्याओं का विवाह किया तब प्रत्येक कन्या के साथ एक दासी आयी। उन दासियों से जो वंश चले वे दस्से तथा रानियों से जो वंश चले वे बिस्से कहलाये।
वैष्णव और जैन अग्रवाल –
अग्रवाल वैश्यों का धर्म वैष्णव और जैन भी हैं। दोनों में आपसी विवाह सम्बन्ध हो जाता है। पुरुष और स्त्री जैनी तथा वैष्णव अलग अलग धर्म के हो सकते हैं। परन्तु इनकी सन्तानें पिता के धर्म की मानी जाती हैं। ये लक्ष्मी की पूजा करते हैं तथा उन्हें ही अपनी कुलदेवी मानते हैं।
नाग के उपासक –
अग्रवाल नाग देवता की पूजा करते हैं इसलिए कभी भी सर्प को नहीं मारते हैं। ये शराब और माँस से परहेज रखते हैं। कुछ ही लहसुन व प्याज का उपयोग करते हैं लेकिन सभी नहीं करते।
अग्रवालों के प्रमुख बंक, अटक और उपनाम इस प्रकार हैं –
- अजितसरिया, एतवान, कनोई (कन्दोई) कंसरा, काइया, कांकरियां, कानूनगो, कानोडिया, कोटावाले, खावसरिया, खेड़िया, खेमका, खेमाणी, गनेरीवाल, गाडोदिया, गुडवाले, गुप्त, गोइनका, गोटेवाले, घोडा,
- चमड़िया, चाकसूवाल, चांदगोटिया, चिड़ावेवाले, चूड़ीवाल, चूरूवाल, चोरवानी, चौधरी, चौमूवाला, छावछरिया, जटिया, जयपुरिया, जाजोदिया, जालान, झण्डेवाला, झाझरिया, झुनझुनवाला,
- टांटीया, टाइवाला, टिकमाणी, टिक्कीवाल, टीबड़ेवाला, टोपीवाले, ठरड़, डालमिया, डीडवानिया, ढाढणियां,
- तुलस्यान, तोदी, थरड़, थोईवाले, दारूका, दीवान, देवड़ा, धानुका, नाथानी, नवलगढ़िया, नागौरी, नानूरामका, नेवटिया, नेमाणी, नौपाणी,
- पटवा, परसरामपुरिया, परसरामका, पाटोदिया, पीरूमल, पूनिया, पोतेदार, पोदार, फतहपुरिया, बगड़का, बगड़ोदिया, बगड़िया, बजाज, बागला, बाजोरिया, बीदासरिया, बुधिया, बूबना, बेरीवाला, बेड़िया, बैराठी, भगत, भगेरिया, भड़ेच, भागचन्दका, भावसिंगका, भोलोटिया, भिवानीवाले, भूतिया, मंडेलिया, मलसीसरवाले, माछर, माखरिया, मानसिंहका, मुशरका, मुसद्दी, मेहणसरिया, मेहता, मोदी, मोदाणी, मोर, महनसरिया,
- रतनगढिया, राजगढिया, राजवंशी, रानीवाला, रीयांवाला, रूइंया, रूंगटा, लाठ, लाडसरिया, लालगढिया, लोयलका, लोहिया, शेखावाटिया, संधी, सराफ, सवाईका, सहरिया, सरावगी, सांगानेरिया, साह, साहू, सिंहानिया, सिवोटिया, सुरेका, सेक्सरिया, सोढाणी, हलवासिया, हिम्मतसिंहका, हण्डिवाले आदि।
यदि आपका उपनाम, अटक इस सूची में नहीं आया है तो कृपया कमेंटबॉक्स में बतायें।
कृपया ध्यान दें –
मुख्य रूप से अग्रवाल समाज महालक्ष्मी माता को अपनी कुलदेवी मानता है। यदि आप अग्रवाल समाज से हैं और गोत्र परम्परा से आप भिन्न देवी को कुलदेवी रूप में पूजते हैं तो कृपया कमेंट बॉक्स में अपना गोत्र तथा देवी का नाम व परिचय अवश्य लिखें। साथ ही इस पोस्ट को अधिक से अधिक Share कर इस मिशन में अपना सहयोग देवें ताकि इस समाज की कुलदेवियों की अधिक से अधिक जानकारी एकत्रित हो सके जो समाज के काम आ सके। धन्यवाद्
Mata kela devi ji ki mahima , Leela , Aprmpar he .
Please tell me who is the kuldevi of Gupta community( mahor gotra)(vaishya vansh) n if you know then please reply me at my mail id- [email protected]
Please tell me who is the kuldevi of Gupta community( mahor gotra)(vaishya vansh) n if you know then please reply me at my mail id- [email protected]
राम राम जी
वैसे तो जहाँ पर परिवार के लोग लडके के बाल उतरने वा कर्ण छेदने या परोजन करवाने जाते हैं वो ही कुल देवी या कुल देवता होते हैं। हम महम हरियाणा से हैं हमारी कुल देवी दादी सती हैं। 400 सालों से। श्री दादी सती मंदिर महम गर्ग गौत्र बेरी रोड महम पर हैं।जय दादी की
kripya +91 93114 74074 number par contact kare.
Bhalotiya Aeron Gotra’s kuldevi Mahasar Mata
मैं अग्रवाल परिवार से हूँ जिसके चलते हमारी कुलदेवी महामाया महालक्ष्मी जी हैं। लेकिन मेरा जन्मस्थान जीन्द है जिसके चलते बन्भौरी वाली माँ भी हमारी कुलदेवी हैं। पर हमारे पूर्वज मूनक पंजाब से हैं तो उनके चलते कोई कहता है कि टोहाने वाली सतीया माता हमारी कुलदेवी है। कृपया मुझे सही मार्ग दर्शन कीजिये।
Mra gotr goyAl hai MujAy apNi kuldEVi pata karNi hi, mAi chandigArh MAi rehta hu
Panipat goel privar choudhary privar kuldevi hai mata balasundri trilokpur vali.
Jai mata ki
Agarwal Goyal Gotra Bazari Surname ki Kuldevi kaun hai
Parveen singla hum mata lakshmi ji ki pooja karte hai lakin hamare east dev peer baba hai
पीर बाबा कौन से देवता है
Sir hum mool Roop se Gao ramba ,haryana se belong karte hai.goyal gotta hai.please hamari kuldevi ka naam or mandir bataye.
I wanted to know the place of Kuldevi Mahalakshmi
Agroha mod
Near hissar
Maharaja agrasen mandir me
गोयल गौत्र की कुलदेवी माता महिषासुर मर्दनी है
माता जी के दर्शन खेड़ मंदिर, बालोतरा से 10 km. की दूरी पर स्थित है। महिषासुर मर्दनी माँ सिर्फ अग्रवाल के गोयल गौत्र की ही कुलदेवी नही है अपितु समस्त जातियों में गोयल गौत्र की कुलदेवी माँ है।
Hello sir
I want to know kuldevi of goel gotra in baniya…I know it is in kaithal but which mandir i don’t know? We belong to Chandigarh, i want to do mundan ceremony for my son
Mahalaxmi ka mul स्थान कोल्हापुर महाराष्ट्र मे हैं
I wanted to know the place of Kuldevi Mahalakshmi
Mahalaxmi Mata temple is situated at Agroha(hisar) on hisar fatehabad road
Please help me to know about my caste * सिसोदिया दर्पण *
सिसोदिया राजपूत
* बंगी वैश्य *
वैश्य (VAISH/VAISHYA), मोदी MODI / साह SAH / गुप्ता GUPTA / साहा SAHA / सरकार SARKAR / लाल LAL / प्रसाद PRASAD / राय RAI / ROY / सिंह SINGH / राणा RANA / सिसोदिया SISODIA / SISODIYA वैगेरह टाइटिलों से अपने को संबोधित करते हैं।
** सिसोदिया दर्पण **
बंगाल बनियां / बंगाली बनियां / बंगार बनिया / बंग वैश्य / बंगी वैश्य कहलाने वाले इस समाज के लोग अपना गोत्र कोई -कोई – अनुमान / अलुमान / अल्युमान / हनुमान बताते हैं असल में इनके पुर्वजों ने जब मेवाड़ से महाराणा प्रताप जी को अकबर से युद्ध के बाद जंगलों की खाक छाननी पड़ गई और सारे सेना तितर बितर हो गये सिसोदिया राजपूतों ने मुंगलो के साथ अपना रिस्ता करना नहीं स्वीकार किया तो उसमें से बहुत परिवार वालों ने मेवाड़ छोड़ कर देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में पलायन कर गए अपना जाति-गोत्र को छिपाने काम काम किए क्योंकि मुगल सेना सघन खोज कर रहे थे सिसोदिया राजपूतों को उन्हें इस्लाम कबूल करवाने उनके बहन/बेटियों से विवाह करने पर विवश करना अन्यथा जान मारा जाना।ऐस में कुछ परिवारों / टोलियों के लोगों ने वहां पलायन कर बंगाल के मुर्शिदाबाद में आए फिर वहां से फिर अलग-अलग जगहों पर बिखर गए उन गांवों और शहरों की सूची अगले अंक में प्रकाशित किया जाएगा। गजब की बात तो यह भी है कि ये लोग किसी दूसरे जाति से वैवाहिक संबंध नहीं स्वीकार किया और आपस में समगोत्री विवाह भी करते आ रहे हैं उस दौरान इन सभी के पुर्वजों पहचान के लिए अपना गोत्र : “अनुमान” बताया ताकि अपने जाति को पहचान सकें।
आश्चर्य की बात तो यह है कि कितने तो इस जाति के परिवार वालों ने अपने को “गंर्दव” जो पिछड़ी जाति एनेक्शर एक में आता है का जाति प्रमाण पत्र धोखे से बनाने में सफल हुए वे लोग सरकारी नौकरियां भी पाने में सफल भी हुए और लाभांवित हो रहें हैं वैसे परिवार के लोग नहीं चाहते हैं कि सत्य उजागर हो क्योंकि उन्हें इस धोखेबाजी का खामियाजा भुगतना पड़ सकता है।
मूलतः यह जाति सिसोदिया राजपूत है ।
जाति : सिसोदिया राजपूत
गोत्र : कश्यप
बिहार में इस जाति के लोग किन-किन गांवों-शहरों में हैं उसकी सूची अगले अंक में प्रकाशित किया जाएगा।
(पुनः अगले अंक में)
Mahalaxmi Mata temple is situated at Agroha(hisar) on hisar fatehabad road
I want the information about Kuldevi of Singhal gautra in Agarwal samaj, please provide whatever information anybody have.
Hey my gotra is also singhal. If you are bajoria so your kuldevi is mahamai chaturbhuja mata she is group of five godess- mahalaxmi, maha Saraswati, maha kali, putradayini or you can say savitri or gaytri and 5 is godess twarita means Radha Rani
Bhai singhal gotra ki kuldevi kon h
Harbi dali dadi… Youtube search… Complete mangal path of hwts
Agarwal Samaj ki Kuldevi Mahalaxmi Mataji ki Jai
Agrohadham hariyana
I ashok agarwal don’t know our kuldevi since my four fathers please help me my number 9049057309
Hamara bansal gotra hai aur kuldevi jeen mata jee hai
I lalit mohan goyal don’t know our kuldevi since my four fathers, I am goyal gotra and belongs to hansariya family, please help me my number is 09414463752
Mahalaxmi mata is our kuldevi
The temple is situated in agroha dham haryana
I’m belongs to Goyal gotra. Plz share the goyal gotra kuldevi.
Email [email protected]
Singhal gotra ki kuldevi kon hy???
Kuldevi ofgurg gotra
Singhal gotra kuldevi lami samar mata hai
Or ye singhana me ha
Lami Samar Mata jee hai Kul Devi of Singhania Pariwaar. Fathehpur, Rajasthan mein.
Singhania Vaash ke pash mein mandir hai
We are from mittal goutr please our kul Devi
Jai mata di sir…humara bhi singhal gotra hai ar hum marwadi (Agarwal) banka pariwar se hai …kya apko koi jankari hai banka samaj ki…kuch pta ho to plz bataye
who is kuldevi of mittal aggarwal samaj?
Agar apko pata chal gaya ho to mujhe jarur mail kare my id is [email protected]
I also want to know kuldevi of mittal gotra
Airan gotra ki kuldevi btaie??
I want to know my kuldevi Lesawa ma(lasudi mata) garg gotra if any body knows pls rply..
Please give details of kuldevi Mataji of Nangal gotra & where ( address ) .
Please give details of kuldevi Mataji of Nangal gotra & where ( address ).
goyal gotra ki kuldevi mata ji kon hy? plz halp me
Koi nahi hai.. kewal mahalaxmiji hi kuldevi hain
I want to know information about kuldevi of singhal gortra
अग्रवाल समाज की कुलदेवी महालक्ष्मी देवी है।
I want to know my kuldevi.. My gotra is Bansal.. And my name is Chanki Jalan
kuld devi of bansal gotra is sarund mata and bagori mata sarund mata near neem ka thana rajasthan and bagori mata near paota near kothputli rajasthan
please tell me who is kuldevi of poddar’s (gotra-bansal, samaj-agrawal)
Shri Rani Sati Dadi, Jhunjhunu
Madal Sati Lachhmangarh Rajasthan.
Poddar Pariwaar ki Kul Devi.
aur jaankari ke liye sampark kare:
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Hamari Kuldevi Jhilmil Mata(Jo Kuen ke andar he) he jo Rajasthan me he ,mujhe address pata nahi he kisi ko jhimil mata ka mandir pata he to pls mujhe whatsapp ya mail kare. thanks
I want to know who is kuldevi of goyal ( aggarwal jains)..nobody knw in my family..pls help me.
Aggarwal jains ki kuldevi ke bare mein kahin nhi hai internet per..
Hum humari kuldevi ka pta kaise lgaye
Garg gotra , from bhusan kala village, narnaul , mata mansa devi dehmi on delhi jaipur national highway.
Mata Mansa Devi Mandir in punchkulla hariayana
Hamri kuldavi satimata manharpur shahpura Rajasthan MA ha kids history batya
Please tell me who is kulki devi of singal gotra.
are Goynar are from Agrawal community
हाँ। गोयनर अग्रवाल होते हैं । गोयन गोत्र वाले कुछ बंधु गोयनर लिखते हैं।
i want to know whether kashyap, Kuchhal gotra are the part of agarwal
जी कुच्छल अग्रवाल समाज का एक गोत्र है, जिसके अधिष्ठा ऋषी महर्षि कश्यप हैं। आजकल अग्रहरी वैश्य जाति के लोग अपने आप को महाराजा अग्रसेन का वंशज बताने लगे हैं और अपना गोत्र कश्यप और कुच्छल बताने लगे हैं, जिसका कहीं कोई प्रमाण नही है। वस्तुतः कुच्छल विशुद्ध अग्रवाल हैं।
कृपया बताएँ कि इन्द्रस् अग्रवाल हैं या नहीं अगर हैं तो किस गोत्र में हैं।
कश्यप अग्रवालों का कोई गोत्र नही है। आजकल अग्रहरी जाति वाले लोग अपने को कश्यप कुच्छल गोत्र का बताकर खुद को अग्रवाल साबित करने पर लगे हुवे हैं जो गलत है। कुच्छल अग्रवाल होते हैं किंतु कश्यप नही।
Kya Rastogi Kashyap Agarwal gotra hai
Gotra bansal:kuldevi jeen mata jee
Who is kul devi of singhal gotra
mittal gotr ki mata ki jankari
Dholasaria gotra ki kuldevi ka naam
Mera Naam Vikram gotra Garg h hmari kuldevi banbhouri wali mata h Barwala ke pass please mujhe kul Bhairav ke bare mein btaye
Comment *shivhare gotra konsi hai please btaye gupta lagate hai meri gotra goyal hai aur ek rishta aaya hai wo apni gotre shivhre bta rha hai aisi kuch gotre bhi hoti hai kya aur agar hoti bhi hai toh meri gotre goyal hai aur us ladki ki gotre shivhre hai toh dono ki shadi sambhav hai kya
शिबहरे कोई गोत्र नही है बल्कि कलार जाति जो जायसवाल भी लिखती है का एक उपवर्ग है। आजकल ये अपने आप को वैश्य बताने लगे हैं, वस्तुतः कलार दारू बनाने वाली जाति होती है और निम्न वर्ग में आती है।
Mera zawab do kya mai rajput hu ya nhi* सिसोदिया दर्पण *
सिसोदिया राजपूत
* बंगी वैश्य *
वैश्य (VAISH/VAISHYA), मोदी MODI / साह SAH / गुप्ता GUPTA / साहा SAHA / सरकार SARKAR / लाल LAL / प्रसाद PRASAD / राय RAI / ROY / सिंह SINGH / राणा RANA / सिसोदिया SISODIA / SISODIYA वैगेरह टाइटिलों से अपने को संबोधित करते हैं।
** सिसोदिया दर्पण **
बंगाल बनियां / बंगाली बनियां / बंगार बनिया / बंग वैश्य / बंगी वैश्य कहलाने वाले इस समाज के लोग अपना गोत्र कोई -कोई – अनुमान / अलुमान / अल्युमान / हनुमान बताते हैं असल में इनके पुर्वजों ने जब मेवाड़ से महाराणा प्रताप जी को अकबर से युद्ध के बाद जंगलों की खाक छाननी पड़ गई और सारे सेना तितर बितर हो गये सिसोदिया राजपूतों ने मुंगलो के साथ अपना रिस्ता करना नहीं स्वीकार किया तो उसमें से बहुत परिवार वालों ने मेवाड़ छोड़ कर देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में पलायन कर गए अपना जाति-गोत्र को छिपाने काम काम किए क्योंकि मुगल सेना सघन खोज कर रहे थे सिसोदिया राजपूतों को उन्हें इस्लाम कबूल करवाने उनके बहन/बेटियों से विवाह करने पर विवश करना अन्यथा जान मारा जाना।ऐस में कुछ परिवारों / टोलियों के लोगों ने वहां पलायन कर बंगाल के मुर्शिदाबाद में आए फिर वहां से फिर अलग-अलग जगहों पर बिखर गए उन गांवों और शहरों की सूची अगले अंक में प्रकाशित किया जाएगा। गजब की बात तो यह भी है कि ये लोग किसी दूसरे जाति से वैवाहिक संबंध नहीं स्वीकार किया और आपस में समगोत्री विवाह भी करते आ रहे हैं उस दौरान इन सभी के पुर्वजों पहचान के लिए अपना गोत्र : “अनुमान” बताया ताकि अपने जाति को पहचान सकें।
आश्चर्य की बात तो यह है कि कितने तो इस जाति के परिवार वालों ने अपने को “गंर्दव” जो पिछड़ी जाति एनेक्शर एक में आता है का जाति प्रमाण पत्र धोखे से बनाने में सफल हुए वे लोग सरकारी नौकरियां भी पाने में सफल भी हुए और लाभांवित हो रहें हैं वैसे परिवार के लोग नहीं चाहते हैं कि सत्य उजागर हो क्योंकि उन्हें इस धोखेबाजी का खामियाजा भुगतना पड़ सकता है।
मूलतः यह जाति सिसोदिया राजपूत है ।
जाति : सिसोदिया राजपूत
गोत्र : कश्यप
बिहार में इस जाति के लोग किन-किन गांवों-शहरों में हैं उसकी सूची अगले अंक में प्रकाशित किया जाएगा।
(पुनः अगले अंक में)
कृपया मंगल गोत्र कुलदेवी का नाम व व मंदिर की डिटेल्स दीजिये
Mera bhi mangal gotar,bulanshahar se hai plz mangal gotar ki kuldevi and place batae
SagSAGTANI is Bansal in taranagar (CHURU ) rajsthan
हमारा सिंगल गोत्र है और हम तुलजापुर की माता को पूजते है.
Ye kis city me hai
Singal gotra ki Mata ji harbi Dali sati h jo sikar k pass Laxman garh ke yha h
Hamara goter Goyal h ham Mata Mansa Devi (punchkulla)ki Aradhana karty h
Please can u tell me khuldevi of Garodia,, gotra garg
Harbi Dali Sati Mata is Kul Devi of Garodia.
i have Mangal Path Book. Entire details you can get it in Mangal Path. Please contact at:
OP Poddar- 9707577777.
Mera naam Mukul Jindal hai humari kul devi kul devta kaun h
में गोयल गौश्र है मेरी कुलदेवी कोन है पता है तो बताना
मान्यवर, कृपया सोंथालिया लोंगो की कुलदेवी जी कौन है?,बताने की कृपा करें
कृपया बताएँ कि बिंदलिश अग्रवाल हैं क्या अगर हैं तो किस गोत्र में हैं
जी बिंदलिश बिंदल गोत्री अग्रवाल हैं।
जिन महानुभावों को अपने कुलदेवता या कुलदेवी की जानकारी न हो तो वो अपने घरों में जिन देविंयों या भैरवों की पूजा होती है अपनी परिवार परंपरा के अनुसार उन्ही की पूजा करें।
Hamara mangal gotra hai ,ham log upsirname ajitsaria use karte hai ,ratangarh distt churu ke niwasi hai hamare pardada village …ajitsar…tehsil ..sardarsahar….distt..churu me rahte the…hamari kuldevi kon hai please bataye……my wats up number 7385358723
Kuchchal gotra kul devi?
Jindal Dadi Rani mandir, Lijwana kalan, Teh- Julana (Jind), Haryana
Are the Kashyap agarwal
whether marriage between garg and Kashyap is possible
कश्यप अग्रवाल नहीं होते हैं। आज कल धीवर मल्लाह ( केवट) जाति के बहुधा लोग कश्यप लिखते हैं।
I want to know about Kuldevi of Mangal Gotra
Singhal gotr ki kul devi kaha h ky naam h plzzz batao
Who is the kuldevi of Goyal gotra Agarwal samaj
Please kindly tell me ,
Who is kuldevi, kuldevta of Nangal / Nagal gotra ( Agarwal ) ?
Does anyone know any Nangal/Nagal gotra Agarwal family ?
Please kindly call me or mail.
[email protected]
I have Goyal gotra. Our Kuldedevi is Shakumbari Devi of Saharanpur (U.P.)
मैं नरेन्द्र कुमार अग्रवाल
गौत्र गर्ग
हमारी कुलदेवी जीण माता है
Mera gotra goyal hai or hamari kuldevi kaila Devi hain joki rajasthan ke karauli gaanv mein sthaapit hain.
Hamara surname Sigtia hai. Humara surname aapki suchi mein nahi hai
में रौनियार वैश्य जाती का हू। Title हमलोग गुप्ता, साह, साहू, साहा, भगत लगाते है, कृपया कर बताये हमारे कुल्देवी या कुल्देव्ता कौन है।
Need the above write up in my mail id.
Need Details about the Kul Devi of Agrawals in Bharat and the above details as mentioned.
Any one know about the Hemal Sati which is the Kul Devi of Garodia of Garg Gotra.
Hemal Sati is from Ledi Village near Sujangarh in Rajasthan.
In Garodia there are Garg, Goyal, Singhal Gotri also.
Particularly who are from Garg Gotra and Garodia by surname is required to know about the Kul Devi.
मैं अग्रवाल परिवार से हूँ जिसके चलते हमारी कुलदेवी महामाया महालक्ष्मी जी हैं। लेकिन मेरा जन्मस्थान जीन्द है जिसके चलते बन्भौरी वाली माँ भी हमारी कुलदेवी हैं। पर हमारे पूर्वज मूनक पंजाब से हैं तो उनके चलते कोई कहता है कि टोहाने वाली सतीया माता हमारी कुलदेवी है। कृपया मुझे सही मार्ग दर्शन कीजिये।
Mittal gotta kuldevi kon hai
गोत्र गर्ग अग्रवाल समाज हमारी कुलदेवी माता महालक्ष्मी ही है लेकिन पूर्वज पारिवारिक कुलदेवी हमारी खेड़ली माताजी बताते है वहां माताजी का अति प्राचीन मंदिर भी है ओर ग्रामीण भी बताते है कि हमारे पूर्वज वहा पूजा अर्चना करते आए है
Bansal gotta ki kuldevi kaha h
Mera bhi mangal gotar,bulanshahar se hai plz mangal gotar ki kuldevi and place batae
Please tell me the gotra of surname MOONKA
hamara janm sthan rajgarh tehsil jila alwar Rajasthan hai hamara gotra goyal hai Koi kahta hai hamara Mata Jammu I Mata kripya hamara margdarshan Karen
बंसल फतेहपुरिया की कुलदेवी कोन है
Pls tell me name of Banodia community Jul devi
राम राम जी
वैसे तो जहाँ पर परिवार के लोग लडके के बाल उतरने वा कर्ण छेदने या परोजन करवाने जाते हैं वो ही कुल देवी या कुल देवता होते हैं। हम महम हरियाणा से हैं हमारी कुल देवी दादी सती हैं। 400 सालों से। श्री दादी सती मंदिर महम गर्ग गौत्र बेरी रोड महम पर हैं।जय दादी की
My, surname Hansariya not in above list, pls add hansariya
दीपक गोयल राज्य हरियाणा, जिला हिसार, सहर हांसी।
कुलदेवी मनसा पुरनी, गाँव बॉस।
Contact= 9992264044
मेरा नाम गिरिश अग्रवाल(गर्ग) है, मेरे परदादा महाराश्त्र मे शिफ्त हुए. अब मै हमारि कुल्देवि धुंध रहा हु. क्रिपया मदत करे. मो.8149530992
Plz tell me kuldevi of goel gotra my grandfather was from meerut my email ID @[email protected]
ठगी, लूट by Shriniwas Gupta—Bahadurgarh-Shiksha-Sabha President—Haryana Aggarwal-Vaish-Samaj Vice-President—Most Disgraceful Act—मेरे रुपये 70 लाख हड़प लिए—This is usual for him—Please help, at least, at least to alert दिवालिये Shriniwas Gupta’s potential victims, those in and around Bahadurgarh, the most vulnerable.
श्रीनिवास गुप्ता—हरियाणा अग्रवाल-वैश्य-समाज उपाध्यक्ष, बहादुरगढ़-शिक्षा-सभा अध्यक्ष, वैश कन्या महाविद्दालय अध्यक्ष, अग्रवाल पंचायत अध्यक्ष, Baba Haridass Tile रेलवे रोड बहादुरगढ़ और Gupta Farm(banquet venue), Tikri वाले, रोहतक के इस्माइला गांव वाले, मेरे मामाजी नारायणदास के पुत्र (मोबाइल: 9818900871, निवास: 21/417, अग्रसेन धर्मशाला के सामने, रेलवे रोड, बहादुरगढ़, झज्जर जिला—हरियाणा), एवं उनके पुत्र अजय (टिंकू), ने चोर-ठगी ढंग से मेरे रुपये 70 लाख हड़प लिए यह कहकर कि बड़ी मुश्किल में हैं, 15 दिन हेतु तत्काल उधार चाहिए. मैंने अजय के खाते में दिसम्बर 2019 में rtgs द्वारा यह राशि डाली. अब 28 मास बीते हैं परन्तु वे राशि ज़बरन रोके हैं. बोले हैं: ना देते; जो करना है कर ले. न फोन पर बात करते न अपने घर का दरवाज़ा खोलते मेरे लिए. घमकी भिजवाते हैं. आप मेरी मदद करें और सतर्क भी रहें, कहीं आप जैसों को भी मूर्ख बना कुछ हड़प न लें. श्रीनिवास गुप्ता की ठगी, लूट की संभावना बहादुरगढ़ और पास के इलाकों में अधिक है. ताक में रहतें हैं किसका क्या हड़पा जा सकता है. माली हालत बहुत खराब लगती, व्यापार चौपटी पर, 2016-नोटबंदी पूर्व के जमीन सौदों से बेहद घाटे, पूर्णतः कर्ज में डूबे, दिवालिये की ओर, कपूत अजय का साथ, पारिवारिक व्यापार को चलाने वाला कोई नहीं, बड़ा नेता बनने का चस्का, आयु 70, बीमार तन, काला मन, डूबा धन, न ईश्वर डर. और खोखल चमक-धमक, नौकर-चाकर, कार-वार, छल-कपट, दिखावा-घमंड ज़ोरों पर है. आप पंचायत, पंचों, भद्रपुरूषों से मिलवाएं. मेरी मदद करें—मदन गुप्ता, दिल्ली—(मोबाइल 9213960838)
Strange, unbelievable, unexpected story, Shriniwas Gupta, a ‘rich’ man of Bahadurgarh, leading citizen who presides over Aggarwal panchayats, president—Bahadurgarh-Shiksha-Sabha and vaish girls college, and vice-president—Haryana Aggarwal-Vaish-Samaj, proprietor of failed shop Baba Haridass Tiles on Railway Road Bahadurgarh and of the sealed, misused agricultural plot Gupta Farms at Tikri(Delhi border), madly after future Bahadurgarh municipal chairmanship ticket, bluffmaster, money-shark caught in 15cr debt trap, breaks into his poor Bua’s household through a thug-like operation to loot and plunder Rs 70 lakh, no different from a wolf in sheepskin and natwarlal at work—an eye-opener, a wake-up call for everyone. Please help in alerting further potential victims like me in and around Bahadurgarh.
Shriniwas Gupta is my late Mamaji Narain Dass’s son and I am his late Bua Kalavati’s son Madan Mohan Gupta, based at Delhi. He resides at 21/417, Ram Ditta wali gali, opposite Agrasen Dharamshala, Railway Road, Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana. (Net-search for images and more: shriniwas-gupta-bahadurgarh) This innocent-looking pseudo- samaj-sewak, samaj-sudharak, nyaywadi, panchayati surprisingly chose the following condemnable and disgraceful act in Dec. 2019, along with his son Ajay Gupta.
Taking undue advantage of mourning state, Shriniwas Gupta along with his son Ajay Gupta approached me on 11.12.2019, eight days after my mother Kalavati’s death, for a very urgent 15-day white-money loan of at least Rs 70 lakh in Ajay Gupta’s bank a/c in Axis Bank, showing as if in extreme need and difficulty. Considering it to be my duty to be of help as no close relative would ask for such assistance in mourning period except for some really extreme situation, I agreed to help. The money was transferred by me through Rtgs in Ajay Gupta’s bank, as per entry details shown at bottom.
After the 15-day loan period got over, I waited for some time and started asking for return of the amount. They started dilly-dallying and dragging their feet over the issue, and then took refuge behind the Covid-related situation during March 2020 onwards. On 10 August 2020, after the Covid-19 lockdown was eased, I visited their house in Bahadurgarh but they did not open the house door to let me in. Till then I was not aware of their fraudulent intent. Not opening their house door was like clear confirmation to me of their dirty mind. Only then I realised that I had been looted by my own kin through a thug-like operation and that I was badly stranded and helpless, the loan being purely on personal basis, and unsecured.
I made plenty of effort to get my money back in respectful manner since early 2020. I have cried and begged and fallen on Mr. Shriniwas Gupta’s feet, but in vain. He appeared to be indifferent and sadist-like. His younger son Anuj Gupta died sometime back but even that does not appear to have instilled fear of God in him. This very close relative has clearly breached the privilege by misusing the easy-to-access-and-favourable channel, affection and trust, that is usual among close cousins, analogous to the Bua-Mama brother-sister bond it is based on. Very, very sad it is, and very shameful. He and his son have refused to return the money and used intimidating words like ‘ना देते; जो करना है कर ले’ and are forcibly withholding repayment for 28 months now, as against 15 days they promised. They are now using all kinds of tactics to silence me. (Even eliminating me from the scene cannot be ruled out.)
I approached relatives but no one could effectively deal with Shriniwas Gupta’s falsehoods and trickery, his contemptuous attitude, and his poor regard for siblings and relatives like me, seen as no more than pizza-delivery boys. They, while severely condemning Shriniwas Gupta’s action of invading his Bua’s household, choose to keep distance from him. No one so far appears ready to openly help bell the cat, it probably being too big and difficult, and dangerous.
Shriniwas Gupta may be a rich person, with opulent lifestyle. He might be presiding over crores-worth assets. Even my Nanaji, of Ismaila village, near Sampla, and later Bahadurgarh resident since 1960, the Late Lala Nand Kishore, was a very rich man. He died in 1970. On his death, my mother, Shriniwas Gupta’s Bua, the Late Ms Kalavati, had willingly relinquished her entire share in her father’s wealth in favour of her only brother Late Narain Dass, Shriniwas Gupta’s father, obviously to ensure long-term, durable relationship, even when she was very, very needy, having been widowed in 1966, at age 34, extremely low in resources, small children in tow. She was a self-respecting woman, and didn’t choose to beg, borrow or steal, whatever her difficulties. However Shriniwas Gupta miserably failed to appreciate all that and the relinquishment and had apparently little respect for her. His choice to break into his Bua’s household to loot and plunder may not be very surprising therefore. It is very, very shameful, disgraceful, deplorable, and condemnable. It’s cruel, evil, horrific. The protector has become predator—causing immense stress—financial, mental, and emotional.
It is pertinent to mention that Shriniwas Gupta and his son may be facing a huge life-crisis at present. Due to prevailing recessionary conditions, most inflows may have halted. Usually they have a high-end franchisee tile shop and a banquet/wedding facility for hire apart from trading in land (see more at bottom). None may be moving as economy is low. In the situation, the expenses of the family, the numerous servants, and heavily paid VIPs and media persons may be causing huge imbalances versus revenues. The 2016-notebandi took its toll on their land-purchase exposures causing immeasurable damage. Net search like anuj-tikri-old-notes perhaps indicates yet more reason for the crisis (even suggesting younger son Anuj Gupta may have succumbed to the blame-game that followed, huge tensions and turmoil created by father, and not only due to heavy alcohol consumption or cat-dog-like extreme sibling rivalry). Moreover, the residual son, the 45-year-old, drunkard, good-for-nothing, poorly educated and skilled, and arrogant Ajay may be an added liability to the family business.
Shriniwas Gupta could therefore be now looking for all possible ways to shore up his liquidity positions to deceptively look rich and influential and Alexander the Great to reward-seeking, sychophantic tail-waggers hanging around. For all this he may be fast exhausting the fair means to whatever, wherever he can reach, not excluding, inter-alia, vaish girls college/school in Bahadurgarh—unsuspecting sitting-duck targets—as I was. On no different lines are his lurking efforts to move to better political pastures at the earliest.
How you can be of help? (1 to 3): 1.You could contact and engage Shriniwas Gupta /son Ajay Gupta directly, leading to some useful talk in context, so that better sense prevails on them. 2. You could also help convene a panchayat-type meeting of wise men. 3. With Gandhigiri as basis, as in the film Munnabhai Lage Raho—the get-well-soon message—you could put across the message to them by mail/sms/etc, somewhat like, “Sir, it is learnt that you may have taken a 15-day urgent white-money loan from your cousin, Bua’s son Madan Gupta, in December 2019 when in bad and urgent need of a large amount of Rs 70 lakh, in your son’s Ajay’s bank a/c. If so, it would make great sense to return the money without further forcibly holding back. You will be still more respected for this graceful & belated act.”
Meanwhile, everyone needs to be alert and aware of the two natwarlals and their coterie gang on collection drive—with 15-day-urgent-type loan requests. Perhaps only then one can avoid a crisis like what I am facing. My bad luck, I have been trapped. Let it not be you or your dear one be the next victim—अगला शिकार—as those in and around Bahadurgarh could be most vulnerable to their fleecing.
God bless you. Please do be of some help. And take care.
Yours faithfully,
Madan Mohan Gupta (cell. 9213960838)
[1] I was in complete darkness about my cousin Shriniwas Gupta and his son Ajay’s poor intentions and very poor operating style before giving them Rs seventy lakh 15-day, urgent, white-money loan in Dec. 2019. As I am now making effort to understand them better, many of their hidden traits are coming to light. It is like opening can after can all full of worms, nothing else. And, there are more questions than answers. Read on.
a) Why and how Shriniwas Gupta projects himself as leader of Aggarwals when Aggarwal sanskars and values have vanished from his own set-up, his household—where alcohol, non-veg, and moral decline have taken strong root? And, how come he treats himself as leading educationist—when his own children never completed studies, some not even school? Isn’t he fooling everyone all the time?
b) Isn’t it surprising that this ‘superman’ Shriniwas Gupta, who likes to use the insulting words—कुछ ना है—for just everybody, be it even adani or advani, cm or pm, is now staring at sheer hopelessness for himself? Isn’t it an ugly situation that large amounts have been collected by him on some pretext from street neighbours, cooks, drivers and house-helps, and even garbage-lifters and municipal sweepers? It couldn’t be much different as regards the staff and governing members of vaish schools & colleges in Bahadurgarh over which he presides. (Everyone nearby him has to empty his pockets for him. That’s his rule.) With over 15 cr as owed, Shriniwas Gupta and his son may be headed to total ruin, along with those who helped them in their need. His Tikri plot as showpiece cannot continue to be of much help. His constant juggling—robbing Peter to pay Paul—इसकी टोपी उसके सर—may be approaching its logical end. रेलवे रोड शोरूम का किराया भी नहीं भर पा रहे. दिवालिये पर पहुंच गए श्रीनिवास गुप्ता. अब सेठ न रहे—गंगू तेली बन गये. मंहगे-मंहगे नेता-मित्रों ने, कोविड और नोटबंदी के प्रभाव के बीच, दिवालिये की देहली पर ला खड़ा किया. लेनदारों की लंबी कतार के मध्यनज़र, सेठ के बहुचर्चित टीकरी प्लाट—गुप्ता फार्म—के बिकने की भी बारी आ गई है, जल्द और सस्ते में. पर कोई ग्राहक नही दिख रहा; प्लाट की पहले जो सीलिंग हो चुकी. पेचीदा मामला है.
c) Why have they arranged for residential accommodation near Amritsar? And why are they trying to sell the Bahadurgarh property? Is it part of a plan to move out, to become out of reach of those seeking return of their amounts for years?
d) What happened to their seized 49L-worth old-notes lot during 2016-notebandi, at Tikri border? Was it supposed to be white? Was there any more of this which escaped?
e) Why they seek informal loans from individuals? Why not from banks? Have they exhausted bank options? Or, is their net worth in very bad shape and they have become all-round defaulters? What is their outstanding position? Who are their creditors? Who are those who have been intimidated like me? (On telephone, one taimur-like Ajay Goyal of Anaj Mandi, Bahadurgarh, using intimidating language, asked me to remain quiet about the non-repayment by Shriniwas Gupta, or face very dire consequences.)
f) Why Shriniwas Gupta continues to have the obsession to be a leader of some kind? Is the family business doing so well that he can spend most time and energy elsewhere? Were his two sons groomed enough to take charge of the family-business affairs and run it smoothly? Was there brotherly relationship between the sons Ajay and Anuj? Were they not fighting away like wild cocks, resulting in older Ajay even exiting household to live elsewhere? And why such bad blood?
g) Did the obsession of power-hungry Shriniwas Gupta to become leader and his hobnobbing with VIPs not lead to heavy drain of family funds, also leading to huge losses in family business, total loss of faith in him, and the unfortunate split of the family, circa 1995? Why does he blame the family-split for all the problems he is now facing?
h) After he lost control over joint-family funds, did he not use the following modus operandi to remain in limelight and to appear to be most resourceful and powerful in Bahadurgarh: i) high-magnitude display of his hobnobbing with VIPs and leaders who mattered—depicting परिवार जैसा रिश्ता with them ii) flagging his Tikri agricultural plot, quoting future worth over 100s of cr iii) collecting 15-day-type unsecured amounts from naïve/gullible residents iv) conributing handsomely to party-election funds v) thereafter being seen as most resourceful, rich, and powerful in Bahadurgarh vi) defaulting on repayments and silencing agitated creditors by again flagging his Tikri-plot-cum-power -cum-clout card, making them nervous? Is he not in neck-deep debt for this, inter alia? (कर्ज़ के दलदल में पूर्णतः फंसे, निकलने की आशा कम.)
i) Haven’t Shriniwas Gupta’s siblings suffered on account of his role in disproportional, inequitable distribution of family assets following the family split about 30 years back. They all continue to stare into darkness wondering as to when and how their pending family-property-division matters will ever be settled in this lifetime—matters crippled and exploited by Shriniwas Gupta himself—evil personified, Aurangzeb-type. Earlier, when the family was splitting, he had misappropriated and cornered the better-value property-units for himself. Does he intend to ever vacate the tile-showroom-plot he is forcibly occupying, or pay rentals?
j) Was not Shriniwas Gupta’s pre-occupation with Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha another big reason for the family business’s extremely poor performance? And, why the absolute self-centredness, selfishness and power-hunger of Shriniwas Gupta ? Why he did not want to delegate to his six brothers, who could be allowed to take decisons, to grow up, be groomed to take charge of family and business affairs, even when he was extremely busy cultivating VIPs? Did this become another major soreness point, leading to the family split? (Has he not continued with the same policy as regards his sons—not allowing them any say in any matter?)
k) Whose great idea was it to unscrupulously increase control over the Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha’s some 800-strong voter list, representing some 70 families, by stuffing it with own close family members and in-laws and their in-laws, including servants, and distant relatives and family loyals, and permanently rig it, manipulate it? Is it a fair electoral arrangement? Does any other person or family connected to Sabha have a similar rigged control over the Sabha electorate? (When over 20% of the voters consist of close family members, and another over 20% are relatives and close family friends, and if about 30-40% were absent voters, the election result has to be automatically deemed as fixed—a farcical, laughable situation at best.)
l) Do any other members of Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha get a chance to contest the polls? Or, is everything stage-managed for a no contest, निर्विरोध, using all of साम, दाम, दण्ड, भेद and trickery at Shriniwas Gupta’s command, pre-empting any voting-like situation? Net search like Bahadurgarh-Education-Council-2021-shriniwas, the presence of own relative as returning officer, and the visible mischievous smiling and least hint of seriousness convey it all. Govt. would do well to send in an administrator to stem the rot, the hijacking.
m) What makes Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha connection and control so dear and necessary for Shriniwas Gupta? Is it for bread and butter, or even more, apart from it being a blissful getaway from routine domestic tantrums of the cockeyed queen? Which is of higher priority—running Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha or making a success of own floundering family businesses? Is Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha free of leakages, corrupt practices, crony-contractors, under-supplies, fake-invoicing, cooked books, cursory audits, auction of positions, sale of seats, broker involvement, etc., when, generally, procurement of guns and helicopters to pencils and rubbers may not be spared of cuts? Under his watch, are there enough checks and balances against leakages? Is it a राम राज्य-like situation? Or, is it zardari style—Mr. ten percent—on everything?
n) Why did younger son Anuj Gupta take to very heavy alcohol? Did his father give him time and make effort to control Anuj’s drinking, or was he too, too busy? Could avoiding the electioneering work, etc. of Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha by Shriniwas Gupta have helped in giving more attention/focus to Anuj’s ever-worsening condition during 2018? Wasn’t Anuj inadvertently sacrificed for a coveted post/position sought by Shriniwas Gupta?
o) After son Anuj Gupta’s death, why did his widow want to exit the household in a hurried manner—on the day of death itself? What had happened? What were the circumstances? What was the tearing hurry? Was there any lurking danger? Is there something more than meets the eye? Could it not be an internal trespass, asa ram style ज़बरदस्ती by Ajay or Shriniwas Gupta, that resulted in son Anuj losing his will to live, turning him into severe alcoholic, becoming gravely ill, and the loss of life? Can an Aggarwal household be such unsafe place to be?
p) Were the widow and daughter handed over Anuj’s share of assets before, or after, they left household permanently? Is the over 2 cr, owed to Anuj’s Gurgaon in-laws for setting up the Railway Road tile-showroom for him in 2018, returned? How come Ajay came to grab the showroom and is now presiding over the spoils, shamelessly? Wasn’t Anuj’s departure like good riddance as far as Ajay is concerned?
q) Was older son Ajay in cordial and sweet relations with younger brother Anuj? Did he not quarrel and leave the household before Anuj’s death to live elsewhere? Was he of any help to Anuj during his long failing-liver illness and hospitalization? Did he return to the household before Anuj’s death, or afterwards? Was it the greed of the family assets including Anuj’s share, and the exit of his widow from the scene, that Ajay returned to the household? Was there any better reason to hurry back to the household? Is he a happy and satisfied person now? Did he leave aside any share for Anuj’s dependants?
r) Does the family have respectable values and beliefs? Do they believe in not only not harming but also protecting the households and interests of their buas, sisters and daughters, or does it hardly matter to them? Are their use of words appropriate for their Bahadurgarh-rehabilitated own elder sister Ms Savitri’s family: भूखे-नंगे आये थे, हमने बसाये? No wonder Shriniwas Gupta’s achievements could include earning the title—कंस मामा—disaffectionately conferred on him by his sisters’ children.
s) Afterwards, Shriniwas Gupta promoted himself to be कंस नाना to the very-specially-created baby for adoption, from daughter, for his childless son Anuj. And later, when Anuj died, the child was dismissed as bad omen and discarded like a use-and-throw toy, the adoption rubbished. Couldn’t such cruelty be avoided?
t) Like for himself, is Shriniwas Gupta looking forward to thug-and-bully-like career for his only son, and his son? The grandson is supposed to be winning laurels already. At age 14, for severely insulting his teacher publicly, he was suspended, nearly dismissed. At 16, he is already supposed to have taken to smoking openly, and has also become nuisance for females in the neighbourhood, like cat among pigeons. (More ‘trophies’ can be expected. होनहार बिरवान के होत चीकने पात.)
u) Does not putting their agricultural Tikri plot to prohibited commercial use like banquets, kitty parties, and warehousing, without license, break the norms, even attracting sealing? And, does not their pushing cheap, tax-free tiles through their high-end franchisee tile outlet break the spirit of franchise? (दाँत खाने के और, दिखाने के और. या फिर, ऊंची दुकान फीके पकवान)
v) Despite heavy setbacks like open-heart surgery, loss of younger son Anuj and his entire family, own daughter Ms Anjali nearly getting widowed due to Covid-19, family business collapsing, Tikri-agricultural-plot sealing for misuse, 49 L gone in old notes in 2016-notebandi, disastrous pre-notebandi land-purchase deals, being neck-deep in debt, his only grandson getting nearly thrown out of school for gross indiscipline, and getting stuck with retarded-like, utterly incompetent son Ajay—what motivates Shriniwas Gupta to continue with dishonesty as policy? Does his occasional ‘whitewashing’ of self with oaths of honesty, in public, ensure his change of heart?
w) Do Bahadurgarh Shiksha Sabha and municipal chairmanship remain Shriniwas Gupta’s only hope for ensuring a bright financial future for himself? And for his own pocket expenses, will 45-year-old son Ajay have to, as always, continue spending midnights rummaging Shriniwas Gupta’s trouser-pockets and गल्ला, his only known source?
x) Among Shriniwas Gupta’s eight siblings, is there another one with similar crook potential? When Shriniwas Gupta and son Ajay can be so much unscrupulous, ruthless, and shameless with close relative like me, can others expect fair-dealing from such thugs? For Shriniwas Gupta nothing but himself matters, out of his sheer selfishness and self-centeredness. To fulfil his wants and desires, physical included, he can go to any extent, shamelessly.
[2] Bank entries: —in Ajay Gupta’s Axis Bank a/c no. 919010075992383, branch—MIE, Bahadurgarh: (Date/Amount/rtgs ref. no.): 1) 17.12.2019/Rs. 20 lakh/hdfcr52019121759808732; 2) 23.12.2019/Rs. 50 lakh/hdfcr52019122360736906;(Total Rs 70 lakh transferred by 23.12.2019)
[3] Businesses of Shriniwas Gupta:—a) Shri Baba Haridas Tiles showroom set up by deceased son Anuj’s in-laws in 2018 after the sealing of Tikri plot, in 2018, Railway Road, Bahadurgarh-Haryana, Near Kath Mandi, next to Narain Hospital, 9818900871—b) Gupta Farms (agricultural plot used for party, marriage, kitty party, warehousing, etc., sealed by authorities for misuse) 40/15 Netaji Subhash Vihar, Tikri Kalan, Ghevra Mod, Rohtak Road, Delhi-41, 9818900871, sealed for misuse of agricultural land— c) Purchase and sale of land
[4] Related contacts: —Shriniwas Gupta: 9818900871 ; —Ajay Gupta: 8708936581/9818081251 —Ms Ranjana Gupta w/o Shriniwas Gupta: 9310358541 —Ms Manisha Gupta w/o Ajay Gupta: 9416527580
—-Shriniwas Gupta’s younger brothers: Suresh 9315547377; Shriprakash 9811350700; Sehdev 9999111200; Sunil 9811051674; Sachdev(Babloo) 9811218611.
— Myself: Madan Mohan Gupta: 9213960838, 9821960838; resident of Rohini, Delhi
[5] All options remain open to get the money back—and to deal with this very, very difficult situation.
[6] You can be my hero. Do help. There will be rewards—10% at least.
My gotra is tayal please check and revise tayal gotra not added in your list
who is the kuldevi of Khemka (Jindal Gotra)
Sanju Gupta
Mittal gotra ki kuldevi kon hai
Kindly add ‘Bhartiya’ also. ‘भरतीया’
टीडा-गेला ढांढण दादी वाले ।
Sigtia ki kuldevi konsi ha
Hum log singhal gotra se sambhand rakhte hi or surname dadoo lagate hi